Friday, November 7, 2008

Partners in crime!!

Dawson and Linc.... fixing a snack

Today, Annie (my sister-in-law) and I were downstairs finishing up our morning exercise. We have started a new competition around here..... For every 1/2 hour of exercise you get 1 point. For every treat you eat you have to subtract a point. The contest ends November 27th and whoever has the most points WINS the pot.... the pot is cash that has to be spent on something fun!!! No bills. Anyway, we were finishing up our routine when we heard a small crash from upstairs??? As I ran upstairs to find out what was going on..... there were my little "partners in crime" Dawson and Linc (my nephew ) had gotten a stool, gotten in the pantry - found the bread, peanut butter and the honey all by themselves. They were so cute, sitting at the table making their own peanut butter and honey sandwiches. The crash was just the butter knife falling to the floor from the drawer - so no biggie really - just the huge mess from peanut butter all over the table and the boys.

Monday, November 3, 2008

FINALLY..... I'm going to start this stinkin blog!!!

Here we go..... I have been wanting to start a blog for forever now - I have just not taken the time to figure out how, soooooo here we go.

I am really excited to be able to document all of the fun - and not so fun things that we do as a family. This is hopefully going to relieve me of some of my guilt for not keeping a journal over the past 12 years?????? Also, life is just getting so hectic that my scrapbooking hobby has taken a major back seat. The reality is, is that it probably will stay in the back seat for the next little while - so sad. Hopefully this will be able to make up for that loss in some small way.

So a quick update as to what is going on with our little family and a good start to my new journal. Matt and I have 3 of the cutest boys ever.

Stockton, our oldest is now 10 years old. He is incredibly smart and loves learning about history. His current fettish is anything having to do with Egypt. He is in Karate and really loves that. Stox is also learning how to cook, he makes us brownies (way toooo much) they are the best brownies around and his new specialty is German pancakes - delish!! He is also pretty amazing when it comes to the computer, in fact, he has his own blog sight - and loves it when people check it out. It is he would love a comment or two.

Jaxson, our middle kiddoe is now 9. He just finished an awesome season of playing football for Riverton Silverwolves. He loved it from the start!!! Loved going to practice, loved the game! It took a few games for him to get brave, but once he figured out how awesome it was to get a tackle..... he was on fire!!! Check out the pictures of him. He was one of the smallest kids out there - but that didn't matter - he was taking all of them down. It was so much fun to watch him. I also got the pleasure of being the Team Mom. It was an incredibly busy job, but a ton of fun to get to be so involved and get to know each of the kids on the team. Jaxs loves life..... he is such a fun kid to be with, he is great at Math and loves to hang with buddies.

Dawson....... crazy number three - is now 3 and very soon to be 4. He is sooooo full of life and energy. That kid makes me smile so much. He has his Mommy and Daddy so wrapped around his litttle tiny fingers - he pretty much gets away with any and everything. Dawson loves Thomas, Spongebob, Spiderman, Star Wars and pretty much anything his big brothers love!!! He loves to snuggle and I am so excited to be starting this blog to capture the millions of funny things he does on a daily basis!!! He is a crack up and soooooo stinkin cute!!!

Matt and I are about to celebrate our 12th Anniversary and we couldn't be ANY more in love than we are now!! We have had a "CRAZY" and incredibly rough 2008. Probably the hardest year of our marriage, and we are stronger now more than ever. We definitely know that with prayer and faith that trials can make you stronger!! I am so lucky to have such an amazing guy in my life!!!

I am now going to try to figure out how to post some cute pictures and make this little blog "cute" hopefully all will go well!! I am excited to post and like I said before "journal" our family happenings. If anyone has any fun or good tips - I would love them.